Once, the Sidereal Exalted were considered the least of the Celestial Exalted, in rightful service to the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun and the Chosen of Luna. Then, the Sidereals overthrew their Celestial cousins, and for centuries, they were the mightiest Exalted in Creation. The Dragon-Blooded were in their thrall, and the mysterious Abyssal Exalted had not yet appeared. The Solars were gone, and the Lunars scattered and broken.
Now, the Sidereals are faced with the return of their Celestial cousins they betrayed (or failed to save, in the case of the Gold Faction.) They're faced with the potential rebellion of the Dragon-Blooded as they war amongst themselves. They're faced with the mystery of the Abyssal Exalted and their Deathlord masters. The other Exalted are, in turn, confronted with the mysterious Sidereals, who vanished in the waning of the First Age, following the fall of the Old Realm. Most do not know the Sidereals' true role in history or their true importance in the maintenance of Creation, and that is just how the Chosen of Fate prefer to keep it, for as long as they can.
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